Smart Cities

With increasing urbanisation, rising cost pressures and demand for improved quality of life, there is now a global move towards infrastructure consolidation, upgrade, and continuous improvement.

There is now a greater need than ever for:

  • Seamless integration between systems, sites, people, and assets.
  • Improved operational efficiency and reduced energy cost.
  • Adherence to cybersecurity, safety, and regulatory compliance.
  • Exceeding expectations while delivering on service-level agreements.

Technology Exchange aims to create a safe, more efficient smart city with connected devices. With data from multiple sources, you can manage traffic flow, security, pollution and more with Internet of Things (IoT) solutions.

Smart cities use information to make cities more livable, sustainable, and enjoyable. At Technology Exchange we make sure that every piece of technology in a network works together perfectly to accomplish the goals for your smart city. 

Traffic and Fleet Control

Smart city traffic control and fleet management applications are very beneficial for the urban environment, allowing to optimize the city’s vehicle use, divert traffic in the case of an incident and keep people moving.

Safety and Security

Building smart cities are not possible without making them safe. You can now employ the IoT to increase the efficiency of processes in the field of safety by using various connected IoT sensors.

Environmental Monitoring

Cities are the centres of consumption of energy, materials, thus having a high environmental impact from greenhouse gas production, waste, emissions of pollutants in water and air.
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